Gaarawé Village

Goals & Future Projects

Goals Achieved

Built Environment

Water Tower:
We achieved what seemed impossible: a proud milestone. The 12-meter high water tower, with three independent tanks of 2,000 liters each at the highest point, allows sediments to settle naturally. This entire structure was built by a talented 21-year-old, Iron-Ben, who completed it with remarkable skill.

Water Supply:
We pump water directly from the river into the tower’s tanks. During rainfall, we collect rainwater in large wineskins and transfer it to the upper tanks. On the lower floor, four tanks are used to purify the water through natural filtration systems and activated carbon. The result is pure, mineral-rich water, with excellent test results.

Building Materials:
We use local materials whenever possible, such as stones, bamboo, wood, and natural clay. Nine years ago, we planted various bamboo species, and now we can harvest it for construction, right from our own garden.

With the help of many volunteers and local builders, we’ve constructed essential infrastructure: power lines, huts, common areas, kitchen, showers, and toilets.


Tools and Technology

We use manual tools in the garden to ensure our work is minimally invasive. This helps maintain the soil’s micro-life, fostering fertility and biodiversity.

While we keep things simple in the garden, we also utilize machinery and modern technologies for construction projects like carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work.


Culture and Education

Each project begins with thorough research, drawing knowledge from the internet, consultations with experts, or insights from local Thai friends.

Art and Music:
Many artists have contributed to the village’s aesthetic, from painters and graphic designers to musicians. Their work has added beauty and creativity to our community.

Landscape Awareness:
Before starting this journey, we conducted geological surveys and checked the condition of the dam. A talented geologist also provided a report on the soil, including an erosion risk assessment.


Spiritual Health and Well-Being

Yoga and Meditation:
We occasionally receive volunteers who lead yoga and meditation classes for those staying at the village. We’re currently looking for teachers who can stay longer-term and offer regular classes or retreats.


Finance and Economics

Ecotourism and Volunteering:
The village relies on ecotourism to supplement its income, in addition to the generous support from volunteers who contribute their time and effort.

For larger projects requiring significant expenses, such as building materials, we are supported by village partners. Some of them are former residents, while others assist remotely.

Bruschetta Art Shop: Visit 


Land and Community Governance

Land Ownership:
The land was purchased and is co-op owned under the name of a Thai citizen, Lele’s wife.

Community Governance:
We follow the guidance of Mother Nature and learn from neighboring farmers, who offer valuable advice and teachings every step of the way.


Land and Nature Management

Seed Bank:
We exchange seeds and aim to establish the village as a seed bank for future generations. We also work to preserve the seeds of the plants we cultivate in our garden.

Organic Farming:
We have approximately 200 square meters of composted vegetable gardens, where we grow crops without using chemicals.

We have accumulated large quantities of compost, which we use for vegetable gardens and fruit trees. We offer visitors the opportunity to learn about composting and its benefits.

Fruit Trees:
To meet the needs of our many guests, we planted a diverse range of fruit trees from the very first year. These include various banana varieties, papaya, tamarind, mango, lime, mulberry, pineapples, Rossella (a flower), Goava (for natural pectin), Lammuth (a delicious fruit), as well as trees that produce chewing gum. Our Longkorn orchard, with 27 trees, yields an exceptionally good jam. Other fruits include rambutan, jackfruit, Maprang, and passion fruit. We also grow young bamboo, often featured on our table. This variety ensures we have fruit year-round, and the roots of these trees are key to maintaining healthy soil.

Bamboo and Vetiver:
Bamboo and vetiver are crucial for protecting the riverbanks from erosion. Bamboo, in particular, is vital for future building materials.

Future Projects

Opportunities for Investment in Individual Projects

We are excited to offer opportunities for those who wish to invest in specific projects that align with our vision of sustainability, community, and innovation. Below are the important goals and projects that we are working on, and we welcome interested investors to join us in bringing these ideas to life.


Key Projects and Goals to Complete

Clay House with Bamboo Balcony
A beautiful, sustainable clay house with a bamboo balcony. This project combines natural building materials with modern design.

Clay Pizza Oven
A traditional clay pizza oven to support our community activities and offer visitors an authentic experience.


Important Goals and Projects to Achieve

Energy Independence
We are working toward energy independence by integrating a combination of solar power and a river turbine. This is an ambitious project, and we are open to investors who are interested in supporting the development of renewable energy solutions.

Honey Production
We have recently started a bee house and are expanding our honey production. This project focuses on sustainable apiculture and the production of high-quality local honey.

Mushroom Farm  
Our goal is to establish a mushroom farm to provide a steady food source for the community, while also offering educational opportunities around mushroom cultivation.

Wood and Bamboo Construction
We plan to build a new terrace and a hut for Lele, which will include scooter parking. This project will utilize local wood and bamboo to create functional and sustainable spaces.

Restaurant Terrace
A new terrace will be constructed for the restaurant area, designed to separate the guests from the kitchen, improving both aesthetics and functionality.

Bathroom Area Expansion
The current bathroom area will be replaced with an L-shaped terrace, including 4-5 new huts on the first floor and updated bathrooms below.

Central Gathering Space
We plan to create a central space facing an unobstructed panorama, providing a perfect location for a beautiful new structure.

Clay Bricks Production
We aim to produce clay bricks in our kiln, which will be used for walkways and garden borders, promoting sustainable construction and local craftsmanship.

Land Expansion for Future Projects
Our ambitious goal is to acquire the land next to our current property to expand and develop further projects. If you’re interested in investing in this land acquisition, we would be happy to discuss the details.

Metal Cage for River Protection and Filtration
A metal cage will be built in the river to protect and filter water using two alternating pumps, supporting our water management and conservation efforts.

Tree House Construction
A tree house is an exciting project we are planning, with the help of an architect and specialized staff. We need funding for quality materials, especially wood. Investors who believe in the potential of this unique structure and want to share in the profits are welcome to join us.

Spa Terrace We plan to build a spa terrace, offering a serene space for relaxation and wellness, enhancing the visitor experience and well-being of the community.

We believe these projects are not only important steps towards our goals but also excellent opportunities for investors who share our vision. For those interested, we are happy to discuss further details and potential returns on investment. Please reach out to us for more information.